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Being a parent of a child diagnosed with PKS (Pallister Killian Mosaic Syndrome) is daunting. The medical information available is scarce. The prognosis given your child may have been gloomy. Many medical professionals have never treated anyone with PKS.


PKS Support Online was created to give parents/caregivers of PKS kids the support and information they need and deserve in order to care for their child. Approaching the medical fields with a battery of knowledge will afford your child the best care possible. It will also allow you to feel empowered over this rare syndrome.


We strive to educate caregivers in obtaining the best possible care for their child by imparting information, stories and experiences of real people dealing with PKS every day. Medical personnel can relate medical information but only another parent can give you practical advice.


Most of all, we share an understanding of parenting and caring for a special needs child. We understand why you feel sad at times, mad other times, frustrated many times and totally elated at the smallest of accomplishments. We will cry with you, laugh with you and cheer you and your child on to great successes.


While we know that PKS can be devastating, we also know that our PKS kids are so very special. Here you will find stories of triumph and joy as well as hope.




About PKS










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Real Kids




*In the News*




As parents of special needs children,

we have learned this truth:

Take it one day at a time.

 In Loving Remembrance


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